Friday 27 March 2009

Watson, Learn To Feed the Search Engines!

Hello Watson,

Following our last tip about generating good
quality content, now I would like you to read another
important tip about article content:

TIP #7 - Article Content for Search Engines

The article content is the core element of
Article Marketing. Your reader is checking
your expertise in the subject, so the information
has to be accurate, professional, original and
well written. Thanks to the article's quality,
you will establish your reputation online as an
expert in the subject.

But besides the reader, search engines also
enjoy your article's content. This is a great
opportunity to place relevant keywords in
order to improve search engine indexing of
the article. It is also the opportunity to place
links to information resources (to improve
credibility) or to relevant pages on your site.
Add highly targeted keywords at the beginning
and at the end of the article. Use relevant
keywords in the title and article summary
as well.

You can edit your article's content at any time,
so you can constantly update your article.
In order to edit your article's content, enter
your account at with your
e-mail and password, go to View/Edit Articles,
choose the article you wish to edit and click
on "edit" in the corresponding line. On the next
screen you will be able to edit the article's

We hope you have found this tip useful and
we'll be delighted to hear your feedback and
suggestions at

For latest updates and tips, check out
our blog:

All the best,
Brett Marks
The Team

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