Tuesday 10 March 2009

EzineArticles Training] Article Content: Repurpose Your Old Content

Hello Nji,

Here is the next edition of the EzineArticles.com Article Writing: Content Sources and Article Templates Training Series.

1. Newsletter Archives: Repurpose your old newsletters or
ezines. If you’ve created multiple articles for each
newsletter issue, we recommend that you break your
old ezine articles into single article chunks rather than
multi-topic articles. If you have larger ezine articles
from your newsletter archive, consider breaking them
down into 250-300 word chunks rather than 1,000-3,000
word articles.

2. Forum Posts: If you’ve been on the internet for some
time, there is a good chance you belong to a few
forums that you might call yourself a “resident expert”
on. All of your old forum posts that are greater than
250 words in length will make great new articles that
you can put into distribution to create more traffic and
sales for your business, and enhance your credibility.

3. Blog Posts: The whole point of blogging, besides
posting frequently, is you can easily syndicate your
blog for others to read via the RSS reader of their
choice. Because of the syndication orientation of
blogging, your blog posts that read greater than 250
words make great articles that you can slap on a
longer title, add a resource box that pitches your blog
website and put a fast 250+ articles into immediate
distribution. Remember that “content is king” and
simply submitting a 250 word blog post devoid of any
benefit to the reader only diminishes your credibility as
an expert in your niche.

4. Books/Ebooks: Are you the author of a book no longer
in print? If you own the copyrights to it, this is an
excellent place to create hundreds of quality articles
with just a short period of editing. If you are the author
of an ebook, you can easily flip your content into
articles designed to entice your reader into wanting the
complete ebook. You still need to deliver real content
value here and not get skimpy or tease them with
“what they could learn if they bought your ebook”.
Keep the articles short, with bulleted or small
numbered lists.

5. Frequently Asked Questions: If you have an FAQ
section on your website, you can repurpose the
answers into 250 word Q & A or tips articles that
expand the scope of the answer without going off-topic.

The next edition of the EzineArticles.com Article Writing: Content Sources and Article Templates Training Series offers you article templates for Top 10 Lists and for the Pain Avoidance concept articles.

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