Wednesday 4 March 2009

Watson, Empower Your Articles

Dear Watson,

This is your fourth article marketing tip from During the next couple of
weeks we will be sending you tips that will boost
your article marketing performance.

TIP #4 - The Art of Writing an Article Summary

After you have "lured" the reader with an appealing
title, the summary is the second convincing stage:
This is your proof of fire to make your readers stay
and read your article until the end.

Article summary is a quick snapshot of the article,
showing the reader what to expect. It does not have
to summarize the whole article but it certainly need
to have the most important points in terms of
benefits for the reader. It must be convincing.

The article summary is displayed mainly on the
hundreds of websites displaying
RSS. The article title and summary will bring
your reader and your article together. In order
to edit article summary, enter your account at with your e-mail and
password, go to View/Edit Articles, choose
the article you wish to edit and click on
"edit" in the corresponding line. On the next
screen you will be able to edit your article

We hope you have found this tip useful and
we'll be delighted to hear your feedback and
suggestions at

For latest updates and tips, check out our blog:

To your Success,

Brett Marks
The Team

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