Wednesday 18 March 2009

[EzineArticles Training] Article Content: Article Templates #2

Hello Nji,

Here is the next edition of the Article Writing: Content Sources and Article Templates Training Series.

Pros and Cons Articles: Your readers love reading the pros and cons of relevant research you’ve conducted in your niche. Give it to them in your next set of 400 word articles.

* Opening Paragraph/s: Introduce your argument with
1-2 paragraphs max.

* Create Pros Sub-heading: Provide a minimum of 3-4
pros and try using bullet points to present your list.
It will make your article easier to read.

* Create Cons Sub-heading: Provide a minimum of 3-4
cons and try using bullet points to present your list.
It will make your article easier to read.

* Closing Paragraph/Conclusion: Wrap up your article
by describing your position and why.

* Resource Box

Key Insight: Too often articles are written that debate the merits of the author’s position (nothing wrong with that), but they fail to provide counter-arguments that can actually improve the authors credibility for being able to see the big picture or at least acknowledge the counter-arguments that exist (even if they don’t agree with them).

For more information on the Pros and Cons Article Template, visit the EzineArticles Blog:

Q & A Articles: Pose a commonly asked question and then answer it. You can offer your expertise with one question per article and keep a tight-niche target. Remember the “long-tail?”

Example Article: "Business Writing Tip: Question & Answer Format";-Answer-Format&id=13197

The next edition of the Article Writing: Content Sources and Article Templates Training Series offers you article templates for the Principles of "X" and Checklist article concepts.

Ready to submit your next set of quality original articles?

To Your Article Writing & Marketing Success!
- The Team

p.s. Get the latest information on the world of
Article Writing/Marketing and Publishing by
checking out the Blog:

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