Saturday 28 February 2009

Watson, New Secret Article Marketing Tips!

Dear Watson,

Each few days you are getting Article Marketing
Tips as part of our Exclusive Training Program.

Day by day we will cover a new topic, and as they
are gradually getting more technical, it is
very important for you not to miss any of our
emails so that everything will be perfectly clear.

TIP #2 - Choosing the Right Category Is Critical

Even though most readers access articles through
search engines and external links, it is still of great
importance to place the article in the correct
category when submitting it, for the following

-Many readers scan a category for relevant
articles on the category's subject. Some will
even sort the category contents by popularity
ranking, in order to find the most popular articles
on that category. RSS feeds, used by hundreds
of websites, usually display results of a specific
If an article is not placed in the correct category,
it misses its targeted audience while inefficiently
being viewed by the wrong audience.

Remember: when asking yourself what is the
right category for your article, think about what
your reader will be looking for. For example, if
you are going to teach how to write a good
resume, do not include it in the "Education"
category, for your reader will be browsing
the "Careers" category.

The article's category is selected during
article submission, but can always be modified.
In order to modify the article's category,
enter your account at
with your e-mail and password, go to:
View/Edit Articles, choose the article you wish
to edit and click on "edit" in the corresponding
line. On the next screen you will be able to
change the article's category.

Important note: If you feel a more specific
category is required, use our category suggestion
page or contact our support team. We will
review the suggestion and update you

Watson, we hope you have found this tip
useful and we'll be delighted to hear your feedback
and suggestions at

For latest updates and tips, check out our blog:

All the best,

Brett Marks
The Team

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