Saturday 28 February 2009

Little Known Micro Niche Market Wednesday, December 3, 2008 2:37 AM

Hi Nji,

As internet marketers we tend to forget that there are other affiliate networks out there besides ClickBank and there are other ways to make money then selling products.

There are also Pay Per Action or Pay Per Lead where you make a commission everytime someone fills out a form or enters their name and email address.

I have one now that pays me 30 cents for every sign up and it's been running on autopilot for 5 years now just collecting pocket change that turns into a niche check eash month.

Today I want to tell you about a completely different model that's sort of a cross between selling a product and getting a sign up. It's the free demo model.

Basically, with this revenue model your customer downloads a free software product and they get to use it for a certain amount of time or for a certain number of uses.

One really hot market that uses this model is downloadable games. And one of the best companies to affiliate with is Big Fish.

Big Fish pays 25% on the sale of their product. Doesn't sound like much but they pay this commission for the life of the customer! Game players tend to play a lot of games so once you get one signed up they'll probably be back to buy more games and you'll earn residual revenue.

They also have this really cool feature where you can start your own game website and they provide all the content. People can order games directly from your website and BigFish takes care of processing the orders. All you do is drive traffic to your site.

And it gets even better: When your customers join, they are encouraged to invite friends and family to play games on Big Fish Games. Their entire network becomes your network, and you earn 25% of all earnings generated by your customer's network of friends and family.

It's really easy to promote Big Fish and earn money.

1) Sign up for Big Fish's affiliate program here:

2) Use Micro Niche Finder to generator a list of longtail keywords related to games.

3) Create content based on these keywords and link back to your Big Fish affiliate link.

Big Fish is great opportunity to add a Residual Revenue Stream to your online earnings. And we have tools and videos in the Micro Niche Finder download area that will help you make the most of this opportunity.

Happy Niche Hunting


P.S. Running the keyword "Games" through Micro Niche Finder returned 170 keyword additional keyword phrases with many having little competition. This is the type of market Micro Niche Finder was designed to help you dominate.

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