Saturday 28 February 2009

Watson, Get Started on Article Marketing Right Away! Wednesday, February 18, 2009 9:22 AM

Hi Watson,

As promised, now you will get started
on the lucrative world of Article Marketing!

Article Marketing is a great way to profit
from the internet; nevertheless it's not that
simple. You have to understand how it works
and how to take advantage of it, converting
your articles into a juicy income source.

TIP #1 - The Spirit of the Article's Title

The article title is the first thing a reader spots,
and so do search engines, therefore it is
extremely important to catch your audience
attention with a powerful message.

In order to stand out among the thousands of
articles on directory or in the RSS used by hundreds of
websites, it is important to have a clear and
convincing title, one that will "impact" the viewer
to keep reading.

It is recommended to include relevant keywords
in the article's title, but at the same time refrain
from using a meaningless title containing only
For example, an article about loans with the
title "loan loans" has no meaning for the reader
and will probably drive the potential readers away
to the next article on the subject.
Instead, try a catchy title such as "The Loan Little Secret
That Can Change Your Life...".

In order to edit the article title, enter your account
at with your e-mail
and password, go to View/Edit Articles, choose
the article you wish to edit and click on "edit" in
the corresponding line. On the next screen you
will be able to change the article title and re-submit
the article.

We hope you have found this tip useful and
we'll be delighted to hear your feedback and
suggestions at

During the next couple of weeks we will be
sending you new tips to boost your article
marketing performance.

For latest updates and tips, check out our blog:

All the best,

Brett Marks
The Team

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