Saturday 28 February 2009

Death of a Father, Release of a Son


For many years, Ken Heikkila worked dumb jobs, barely scraping by,
having given up hope on his dream of making a living as a classical

Then he discovered that on the Internet he could capture an audience
and not only teach his skills to others, but expand his customers'
sense of meaning and purpose.

During the last two years Ken has been transformed from deeply frustrated
former musician to a happy and fulfilled web entrepreneur who no
longer works dumb jobs, but teaches classical guitar instead, online.

That's the business story.

But there's a heart story, too.

His father had never really "understood" him. He always hoped that dad
would acknowledge his success and give him the attaboy that he'd
wanted for so long, but dad passed away last January having never
given him that.

Read Ken's letter to me about that passage in his life, and our
conversation about his dad and his aspirations, here:


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