Friday 27 February 2009

Watson, Get Our Secret Article Marketing Tips!

Dear Watson,

This is your third article marketing tip from
Now that we have covered how to write an
appealing title and how to select the most
appropriate category for your articles, we are
ready to learn about a vital part of article
optimization: keywords selection.

TIP #3 - Choosing Power Keywords

It is highly recommended
to add relevant keywords them to each article.

Keywords are transformed in Tags, and the
Tags are indexed by Google as well as the
article title and content. So if up to now an article
could be found on Google by its title/content,
now it can also be found by the Tag.
Therefore, it is highly recommended to add
as much relevant keywords as possible for
each article.

In order to edit article's keywords, enter
your account at with
your e-mail and password, go to View/Edit
Articles, choose the article you wish to edit
and click on "edit" in the corresponding line.
On the next screen you will be able to add/edit
your keywords

Mini Tip:
Never forget to separate keyword using comma (,).

We hope you have found this tip useful and
we'll be delighted to hear your feedback and
suggestions at

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