Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Watson, Endless Free PLR News

Happy Tuesday, Watson,

Welcome to all the new members.

Please note the new username and password.


Why Firepow?

This is the third in a series, so if you are jumping in here, I
would recommend that you read the first two parts first:


Last week I received an email from one of the members (thanks!)
which asked if I would recommend the paid version of Wordpress
Direct or Firepow.

Please read my answer below and a special offer that will let you
get Firepow for less than I'm paying!

As far as WP Direct and Firepow, Firepow is hands down the best
deal around.

Don't get me wrong. WP Direct is a good deal. However, it is a one
trick pony. It will let you automate dripping content to your blog
that is scraped from other sources.

However, other than that, it does not have the muscle to make a top
notch authority site.

As I said in the last two newsletters, I would definitely take
advantage of their free membership and make three free blogs that
you can set and forget the updating content. And use their hosting
so you get links from another IP.

For everything else, I would use Firepow.

There is no free trial or partial use with Firepow, but it has all
the muscle that you could ask for. It is also doing beta testing
for auto-updating your blog as well. So, in the long run, you are
going to have all of the bells and whistles that WPDirect offers
and a whole lot more.

For one thing, there is a whole blog network already in place with
Firepow. They are not directly under your control, but they are
free for you to submit a post and get links back to you.

There is a built in way to search and answer Yahoo Answers.

There is a built in RSS submisstion.

The list goes on and on.

Finally, the real kicker is that the Firepow team constantly asks
for ideas on how to improve their service and implements those
features without increasing the cost.

I've been full member of both services since their inception and
WPDirect has not improved their service once.

Since I wrote that, I got a direct offer in my inbox in the Firepow
private forum from Andrew Hansen. He was excited to know that you
were going to be hearing more about Firepow and made a special offer.

To any of my readers, you will get a $20 discount from Firepow by
entering the code 'winner'. Now that is not a one time discount.
That is $20 a month! So, you will be getting Firepow for almost
$250 a year less than I'm paying. I'm not sure how long he is going
to leave that offer open, so I would jump on it now. You won't be


Andrew also asked me to mention a few more of the recent upgrades
to the service and I will do that next week.


New March Login:

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