Saturday, 14 March 2009

Are You Getting Distracted Easily Watson?

Hi Watson,

As an entrepreneur your time is precious.
If you can afford to pay someone to do all your
work online then I probably can not help you here,
but if you are working full time and trying to start your
own online business you need to be organized.

Here are 5 simple steps for achieving an organized
routine to put your time to the best possible use.

1. Be Wary Of Getting Diverted

Most of time we get thrown off track by a distraction,
it is not an emergency and usually something we can
put off until a later time. If you find this happening to
you, set yourself an alarm to go off every 20-30 minutes.
Every time it sounds make sure you are doing what you
originally planned, if not get back on track. Always set the
alarm to go off again to keep you in check.

2. Make A To-Do List

The most efficient way to do this is to make a list the
evening before of the things you have to achieve
the next day. Prioritize your list with the most important
things at the top. When you sit
down at your desk start
at the top and do not move on until you have completed
each task.

3. Check Off Items As You Complete Them

Make sure you are crossing off your list as you go.
This will give a sense of accomplishment and keep you
motivated to finish your list.

4. Confirm Your Appointments

Always call before leaving for an appointment. There
is nothing worse than wasting time waiting for a
client to show up when you could have spent the extra
time working on your list.

5. Do A Final Check

At the end of the day, review your list and assess how many
items you have crossed off. If you have a few not completed
move them to the top of the next day's list. If there were lots
not completed but you stuck to your plan all day/evening
then you have to many things on your list. You will get an idea
of what you can accomplish in your allotted time online and
then make your list to reflect this.

I hope this helps you get more use for your time
to build your business to the point of
having to much
spare time.

jitendra k bharai

P.S Have you picked up your fr.e.e auto responder
yet to save you time and build your list? To help you
get started straight away, all my team members are
given the exact system I use to build my list and
add new members to my team.
Your auto responder will be added into a proven
lead capture for you to use right now to start
building your own list and team. NO HTML
skills or website building ability needed.

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