Friday, 6 March 2009

The Local - Fifth anniversary preparations (Corrected version)

The Local - Sweden's news in English
6th March 2009

Dear subscribers,

As some of you may have already noticed, a couple of small errors crept in to the closing paragraphs of today's weekly news roundup email. Despite five years of practice, we're still liable to the occasional coding blunder. Apologies for having to resend, but in the interests of clarity, here's the corrected text:

Newborn babies are a lot like marauding generals on the warpath - little Caesars with superiority complexes and bad hair. They come, they drool, they conquer. Then the delusions of grandeur wear off.

Next month marks five years since The Local was dragged head first into existence. But being of such a tender age, we're still terribly vulnerable and insecure and are hoping that you, our merciful readers, will give us the encouraging pat on the backside we so desperately crave.

We are currently preparing material to celebrate five years of The Local and would be eternally grateful if you could help us out by writing a few short lines about the incredible ways the site has changed your life. Remember, we're only five, so everything has to be slightly exaggerated for us to fully comprehend it.

So: Has the site been useful? Did it make it easier for you to settle in Sweden? Did it help keep you off the streets and in a job? Did it help you make any friends? Did it help your business?

Is it informative and entertaining? Or a peculiar mixture of the two? Are there any particular articles that really stick out in your mind?

As you can see, like any five-year-old, we need and demand attention. So if you have a moment to spare, please scribble a few lines to to pacify us.

And if you're still in a generous mood, why not take a survey aimed at smoothing the path for foreign professionals relocating to Sweden. Not only will you be making Sweden a better place for foreign workers, you also stand a chance of winning a prize.

Have a great weekend.

Paul O'Mahony

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