Tuesday, 3 March 2009

From $7000 In Losses To $60,000+ Monthly Profit... (Formula Student Spills Secrets


I have no other words to describe
what I'm sharing with you today
other than PURE GOLD.

And the reason why... is because
that is what it's SOURCED from.

No joke, the person I'm interviewing
today has rose to staggering success
in our industry in one of the shortest
amounts of time I've ever heard.

Here's the crazy part...

14 months ago this woman had NO CLUE
how to use a computer.

Was a total technology DUNCE.

Lived in ALASKA.

Had no contacts, warm market, nothing.

Yet in less than 14 months she just
got crowned the TOP income earner
of 2009 in her company, earning over
$60,000+ per month profit her 2nd
month in the business.

Think about that for a minute...

Think about what this woman knows
that allowed her to DO THAT,
especially considering she did it
ALL using technology.

Here's where you can go to hear
this private interview now and
download some of her most profitable
success knowledge...


But you want to know what boggles
me more than anything else Nji?

This 'Top Producer' pulled off all
these results using only PIECES
of the 'Formula'.

I'm not kidding... only PIECES.

She was one of the first people I
started sharing my 'Formula' with
just a little while ago, and the
results she has seen are nothing
less than MAGICAL.

The fact of the matter is, the 'Formula'
I've been sharing with you over the
last few days is SO powerful, that
literally only implementing PIECES OF
IT can create results in our industry
that most people will never get to

I told her in this interview that if
she ever wanted to implement the rest
of the 'Formula' that she would be
at $200,000 a month like clockwork.
And I KNOW that's true.

I grilled her on her biggest challenges,
HOW she overcame them, and what the #1
strategy is she's using RIGHT NOW (from
the Formula) that is causing her to rake
in profits like most wouldn't believe...

You can get it all right here now...


There's one more thing you have
to be aware of before Noon tomorrow

This 'Formula', that ALL of this
knowledge is coming from, will ONLY
be available to the public for a
period of 3 days.

After that... it will disappear. And
I'm not kidding. I seriously can not
afford to have this industry knowing
how I dominate each and every company
I go into.

That would not be very smart
on my part...

I literally use these strategies
every day, and with EVERY company
I join. And they work consistently
every time to bring in THOUSANDS
of distributors, and now MILLIONS
of dollars.

That's why it's imperative you
watch this video below if you
haven't already to get ALL the


I am promising you... there is
NOTHING like this in our industry.

Absolutely nothing.

I am one of the only documented
people I have ever heard of to
become a Top PRODUCER in two
separate companies in less than
12 months flat, earning multiple
6 figures in both.

This 'Formula' is literally my
manifesto, and it is the REAL WORLD
steps I take every day to create
all the results I do.

This is the absolute CUTTING EDGE
of 'Cheating' the long drawn out
way of success the "old school"
teaches to create *Boggling*
results in record times.

Trust me... you want to be completely
educated about everything before
tomorrow. Not only is this 'Formula'
one of the most profitable tools
you could ever have...

But there is THOUSANDS of dollars
on the table that you can learn
about in this video...


Take time today to explore both
of these videos Nji, and
be ready tomorrow at noon.

I would seriously feel bad if you
missed out on your chance to enter
into this ELITE group of people,
who possess knowledge that makes
a 'Mockery' of what most "top producers'
in this industry have in their tool box.

We'll see you then.

Yours In True Mastery,
Jonathan Budd

P.S. If you don't think YOUR
success in this industry is possible,
and that you REALLY can become a
'Top Producer' in this industry...

Then listen to this video now...


26 Hampden rd
CT 06071
United States

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