Saturday, 28 March 2009

Nji, Shopping is The New Drug, but Wealth-Generation is The Cure

Hello Nji,
Researchers at Germany’s Bonn University discovered
that spending money acts similar to a drug, because it
activates the brain’s reward centers. Hence, spending
provides immediate, but short-term gratification and
will require continuous repetition of the same behavior
to maintain the high. Well, it’s safe to say that these
classroom academics don’t get out much, because I
could have told you that 5-years ago, when I began
marketing online, but let’s get back to focus.

Now, the average average networker, entrepreneur and
RESELLER, also recognized that spending can be addictive
like a drug especially, when the customer is receiving great
value for the dollar. Successful business owners know and
understand the behavior of their customers, because they
have invested the time and money into developing a relationship
with them. After all, people only spend money continuously
with others the TRUST.

Now, our industry of Network Marketing is the art &
science of empowering, communicating and connecting with
others based upon their needs. Out of control spending with no
benefit for the money invested is definitely problematic and
requiring a cure or solution. Firstly, to solve a problem
you need to examine the MINDSET of the individual(s) who
are experiencing the problem.

People with Millionaire Mindset maintain a thinking pattern
that seeks a solution to a problem. So, to overcome a problem
one must change the way they think about it. Now, wealth-
generation requires a mindset that consist of finding the
solution so as to reverse the problem of “having more
money leaving your pockets than coming in”.

The solution I propose is simple and affordable. Firstly,
window, because a Millionaire Mindset believes success
is a matter of following a proven process of rules with
consistent effort and belief (sort of like a science for wealth-generation)
until success is achieved.

So, Let me introduce you to an online opportunity that provides
RESELLERS 100% payout for all sales and you receive
payment within 24 hours. How does that sound so far?
If you like that then, hold on, because there is more that
should appeal to your appetite for effective wealth-generation.

Does generating UNLIMITED payouts of $24, $97, $297, $497
& $997 motivate you to take action in a business where the
monthly fee is $10 dollars? If yes, then, our compensation plan
is perfect for YOU. TAKE ACTION, NOW!!!!

Oh yes, one more thing I have to inform you about that
is of the utmost importance to your pocket book,
when you join me today, you will be able to attend our
weekly trainings that are conducted 3x’s/weekly on
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Oh yes, Jim Carpenter
The top income earner within the company will conduct
the trainings.

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