Sunday, 22 March 2009

[EzineArticles Training] Article Content: Article Templates #3

Hello Nji,

Here is the next edition of the Article Writing: Content Sources and Article Templates Training Series.

Principles of X Articles: There may be no “right” way to do this template as many choose to use identifiers other than “principles” (E.g., secrets, thoughts, ideas, qualities, etc.), but they all usually give a numbered list with sub-headings that make it easy for the eye to see and read the “principles” outlined.

* Title: Make sure your article title lets your reader
know they will be learning the “principles” of

* Opening Paragraph: Explain why your “principles”
are important to the reader along with any social
proof claims that can support your statements.

* Create “Principle” Sub-headings: Describe your top
“principles” along with why each one is important.

* Closing Paragraph/Conclusion: Offer suggestions
on how to apply the outlined “principles” or a helpful
tip to help the reader overcome any objections they
might have to understanding or applying one of your
“principles” to their life or business.

* Resource Box

For more information on the Principles of X Article Template, visit the EzineArticles Blog:

Checklist Articles: Your target reader loves checklists because they distill the essence of what someone else (you, the expert) have painstakingly identified as being important for a particular problem.

* Title: Your checklist article title should include
keywords relating to the type of checklist you are
creating plus the word “checklist”.

* Opening Paragraph: Introduce your reader to the
topic and explain why the checklist exists.

* Create Checklist

* Closing Paragraph/Conclusion: Encourage the
reader to pay close attention to the benefits of the

* Resource Box

Tip: Make sure your checklist is actually a checklist. I.e., don’t ramble on without using brackets [], bullet points and/or a numbered list. Your checklist should be fast and easy to read while delivering on the promise of a checklist from your article title.

Example Article: "Home Buying Checklist"

The next edition of the Article Writing: Content Sources and Article Templates Training Series offers you article templates for Survey Results and Golden Rules of "X" article concepts.

Ready to submit your next set of quality original articles?

To Your Article Writing & Marketing Success!
- The Team

p.s. Get the latest information on the world of
Article Writing/Marketing and Publishing by
checking out the Blog:

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