Friday, 27 February 2009

What role do keywords play in getting traffic to your website?

Hi Nji

What are keywords, you ask? Great question!

First let me tell you a story:

Once upon a time many years ago there was a major airline that
wanted to drive traffic to their website. In particular, they
wanted to attract people who were looking for inexpensive air
travel fares.

So, they created a gorgeous website and on appropriate pages on
their website they talked about their "inexpensive air travel fares".

They thought, "Who doesn't want to travel inexpensively? Surely we
will get lots of search engine traffic to our site because we've
made it clear that we specialize in inexpensive air travel fares!"

But their faces fell when they saw their website traffic stats-they
were hardly getting any site visitors at all, and they were
extremely perplexed and disappointed.

"Why?!" they asked. "We know that oodles of people want inexpensive
air travel fares, so why isn't Google sending all those people to
our site?"

Then one day a wise person answered their cries of distress and

She said to them, "The reason why Google isn't sending any traffic
to your website is because no one is interested in inexpensive air
travel fares."

The airline people were outraged. "What?", they demanded. "Who in
their right mind would prefer to pay a higher price for an airline
ticket? Everyone always wants the lowest price."

"You're exactly right about that," the wise person told them.
"Everyone does want the lowest cost that they can get, but there is
one problem. When these people go to Google they are not searching
for inexpensive air travel fares."

Intrigued, the airline people asked, "Well, then what in the world
are our potential customers typing into Google?"...

Read the rest of the story:

All the best!

Steve Shaw

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