Saturday, 28 February 2009

The simplest online "technology" of all


There are so many ways to optimize your website and
your sales funnel, it makes your head spin.

There are all manner of split testing programs, like Google
site optimizer. There are ultra-sophsticated methods that
optimize dozens of elements at a time, like Taguchi.

There are market research systems like Glenn Livingston's.
Surveys via optin forms or specialized web pages.

There are programs like CrazyEgg and ClickTale, that make
heat maps of your pages and show what people are clicking
on, or even what images their mouse is hovering over.

There are heat maps made from peoples' eye movements.

There's Google analytics, telling you how long people stayed
on each page and the most common paths through the site.

All of these are very fine ways to "spy" on your visitors.

But there is a simpler way to find out not only what people are
doing right this moment on your website, but ALSO find out
exactly what they are thinking while they do it.

If you master the art of it, it becomes almost psychic.

It is deceptively, deceptively simple.

It's live chat.

Now.... live chat is sort of like, for example, remote control
airplanes. In that, any six year old kid can buy a cheap one
at Toys R Us and sort-of kind-of learn to fly it.

But that six year old kid has no clue what kind of powerful
art form those airplanes become in the hands of capable
practicioners. Turns out those airplanes are not a boy's toy,
but a man's fascination.

With skill and practice, it's truly amazing what can be

So it is with live chat. Ari Galper, who is the most non-technical
person you'll ever meet, went through my Bobsled Run 4 years
ago. When he started his site was selling $5000/month. 10 months
later he was up to $100,000/month.

He didn't do split testing. He didn't do Taguchi. He didn't do
surveys. He didn't do Site Optimizer or Analytics.

He just conversed with the people who visited his site. He figured
out a way to get them to respond to his chat box when it appeared
and how to get the conversation to continue.

He found every hole in his sales funnel and plugged it.

You can do the same.

But like I said, it's an art that's much more subtle than people

Just having a chat box on your website doesn't cut it.

Still, there's an additional advantage:

Low-cost employees can master this art, too. Stay at home
moms who just want to make $15/hour without leaving the house
can dramatically increase the sales on your website. You don't
have to be the one who's chatting.

I'd like to invite you to explore Ari's world by going to and watching the free videos.

Delight in the simplicity.... be impressed by the effectiveness....
consider what holes you can plug on your website with this
simple, super-effective art form.

Perry Marshall

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