Saturday, 28 February 2009

80% of People Are Losers!

Hi Nji,

Internet Marketing can be very difficult, which is why most Internet Marketers fail to achieve success at making money online. We are strong believers in the 20-80 rule that states 20% of Internet Marketers are making 80% of the profits online. Of course you are interested in making money online, but the fact of the matter is that if you do not know where to start you will not easily find success.

When we began internet marketing over 4 years there was less competition, but there was also much less online spending. With this being said, we grew our businesses organically, learned from our mistakes, and built solid business through Google Adwords and affiliate programs. We also laid out a "plan" that we could follow each time we set-up a new campaign.

Step 1:
Research several different industries and find out which one you want to promote. Before you make your decision, you will have to analyze the customers within the industries, how hot the industry is (is it seasonal), and check out to see what other affiliates are doing within this industry and determine if they are profitable.

Step 2:
You have found an industry that you are interested in, see opportunity, and now what? You need to find a/or product(s) that you want to promote. You can do this by visiting affiliate networks such as,,,, or All of these are quality networks with many different products you can sell.

Step 3:
Create a list of keywords to promote the products. You will want to align the customers (the search terms) with products that are highly relevant, and highly targeted. Create a website and promote your products on it. Since you will be selling products for companies, a website is a great place to do this.

Step 4:
Start advertising your website. This is the the final step to making money online. You have your industry, you have your products, you have your keywords, and you have your website (not required). You need to know exactly what you are doing because as soon as you start advertising you will be spending real money. If you aren't sure of what to do you can waste a lot of money.

We see this time and time again, people do not understand the correct way to use Google Adwords (or any other advertising network), and drive low quality, low converting traffic to their sites. These people "lose their shirts" within days of starting their campaigns, and more times than not, ever return to Internet marketing. DO NOT become one of these - there are resources available to prevent this.

Beating Adwords will teach you the details of the steps listed above, and will walk you through every little detail about getting started. It will point out "landmines" too which will steer you clear of many mistakes you can make.

We were once in your position Njiand we know that the learning curve to can be very steep. Do yourself a favor and get some help from those who have already made the mistakes (us) and know how to use the Internet to make heaps of money (also us). Trying to learn the Internet can be a very difficult task - this is why we created Beating Adwords.

Beating Adwords will help you start making money faster, and will help you save a lot of money in wasted advertising costs. You'll be able to jump straight into the Internet Marketing business while learning the proper techniques to help you achieve success. We will even teach you how you can make money without a website or having any prior webpage building skills. We also cover free advertising techniques that you can apply, without having to spend a single DIME of your own money!

There are buckets of cash to be made online, and all you need is the proper knowledge to get your share Nji!

Get your copy of Beating Adwords before your competition does!


To Your Succes,

Kyle & Carson
The Wealthy Affiliates

Niche Marketing Inc.
P.O Box 13243 549 Michigan St.
Victoria, BC

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