Saturday, 28 February 2009

Tonight: Magic on Google's Content Network


When you understand how to mold and shape content traffic
from Google, you have a distinct edge over your competition.

Because the content network is the least-understood aspect
of AdWords.

Did you know --- There is MORE traffic available from the
content network than from Google itself!

Some of it is very high quality, IF you know how to filter out
the impressions you don't want.

Tonight you have a chance to meet a very special Google
expert, Shelley Ellis. Shelley will show you how to skim the
cream off of the AdSense network and get focused traffic to
your website - using demographic filters, placement targeting
and her own version of "X-Ray vision."

(We'll also be recording and transcribing the call in case
you have other plans.)

On Google itself, it's not terribly difficult to figure out what
your competitors are doing - or for them to figure out what
you're doing. It's kind of an open book.

But the content network is different. It's nearly impossible for
your rivals to reverse-engineer your strategy - if you have one.

(Simply leaving the content network box checked "on" is NOT
a strategy.)

When you know how to target women who are age 35-50
who visit particular websites - and your ads are invisible to
everyone else, that's powerful. It's also very economical.
How about shaving some cost off your monthly spend?

The cost to participate is $29.95 - that and a commitment to
TRY Renaissance Club monthly membership. As a bonus
you'll get access to three other calls we've done in the last
few weeks, also on advanced AdWords topics.

Get the full story and register here:

Perry Marshall

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