Saturday, 28 February 2009

Nji, I have a few questions for you... Tuesday, December 2, 2008 1:34 AM

Hi Nji,

Welcome to my Home Business Secrets Mini-Course!

Let me start by asking you a question...

Do you *really* want to make money from home?

If so, have you read my offer to personally mentor you and
setup your turn-key home business free today at:

Are you able to see how much FASTER and EASIER it will be
for you to start making money online with my help?

Are you able to see how my Plug-In Profit Site service will
solve all your toughest challenges and put you on the fast
track to earning income from the comfort and convenience of
your own home within the next 24 hours?

If so, what are you waiting for Nji??? Sign up
right away my friend and put me to work helping you earn the
extra income from home that you desire. All you need to do
is follow the 3 easy steps outline for you at:

If you act now this will qualify you to receive my service
free and you'll get everything you see setup in 24 hours! Plus,
when you follow the instructions at the bottom of this email
you'll also get a bonus $25.00 cash rebate too! :-)

Just imagine this time tomorrow you could have your very own
website setup and running and pulling in profits for you.

What has taken me many years of my life to create for myself
will be setup and working for you IN A SINGLE DAY!

Sound too good to be true? Think again! That's what great
services are created to do. Save you time and money and make
your life a whole lot easier. Every great invention does this
(including the lightbulb...) and now the Plug-In Profit Site has
come along to make earning money online lot easier too! :-)

Read this page carefully to get all the details:

And yes Nji, this IS also the beginning of your
Home Business Secrets Mini-Course.

Here's my first tip for you (and it's VERY important!):

Stop trying to sell and start trying to SERVE. Figure out
what people really NEED and aim to provide it for them. Your
focus should simply be to *HELP PEOPLE*. This is the true
bottom line for all successful businesses and if you truly
accomplish this, customers will beat a path to your door.

The primary reason the Plug-In Profit Site is so successful
is because I've developed a service that truly helps people.

The Plug-In Profit Site is able to setup an entire online
business for you in 24 hours or less that an average person
would need years to create for themselves. I save people a
lot of time, money and mistakes every day and that's why new
customers are beating a path to my "front door" every day.

If you'd like to save yourself a *years* of frustration in
trying to figure it our yourself or using somebody else's
system that doesn't really work, I encourage you to become
a Plug-In Profit Site member today and start using the best
turn-key home business system on the market today at:

I look forward to serving YOU Nji!

Best regards,
Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

P.S. The Plug-In Profit Site *will* be around for a long
time and even though you may not always be able to get it
setup free like you can today, you will not lose the chance
to join if you decide NOT to sign up right away...

However, I always like to REWARD people who see a great
opportunity and take *immediate* decisive action. That's
because it's the "doers" that make the world go 'round.

Therefore, if you decide to sign up for my service today
(within the next 24 hours), I have a very special *BONUS*
for you ==> CASH!!! Yes, I'll actually send you an instant
$25.00 cash rebate immediately (paid to you by PayPal).

Since I am currently not charging anything for my service,
this is money straight out of my pocket.

However, I'm so convinced you'll absolutely love my service
that you'll want to come back and do additional business
with me in the future with other products and services that
I develop. So I think it's a risk worth taking.

Now if you want to be *REWARDED* for taking positive action
today and also earn an easy $25.00 today, simply visit the
site below and sign up for my free setup service right away:

Then as soon as you complete your sign up, go to this page
and submit your instant rebate request:

I only make this offer one time in one place. Right now in
the P.S. of of my first contact with you. This is simply a
*BONUS* (a very tangible one) to reward you for your
commitment to read this entire email and take action toward
your own success today.

This is also an important marketing lesson:

==> Make your offers *irresistible*.

If I have succeeded in doing that, I will look forward to
having the pleasure of setting up your Plug-In Profit Site
TODAY and sending you a $25 rebate right away. :-)

Note: The 24-hour deadline for this rebate is real. My
server logs when you first visited my site and I compare
that with the record of when you actually sign up. If you do
want the extra bonus of a $25.00 rebate, be sure to do it
within 24 hours because I'll know the difference.

All my best to you Nji!

Signing off... Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

19009 Preston Road, Suite 215-209
Dallas, TX 75252
United States

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