Saturday 11 April 2009

The Niche Socializer Doors Are Closing! (3 bonuses left

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LAST CHANCE: This is my last message about Niche
Socializer. It's nearly sold out, and my bonus
packages are almost gone. As long as you see my bonus
video at the link below, you've still got a
chance...but you'd better hurry:

Hello again,

It's Michael Rasmussen with a final message about
Niche Socializer.

I've been telling you about this software for the past
few days because I truly believe this is a game
changer that can help you make the online income
you've dreamed about.

In a nutshell, Niche Socializer lets you profit from
the biggest trend ever to hit the Internet--social
networking. The software lets you make your own social
networking sites in hot niches VERY fast. They look
great, and you have multiple built-in ways to profit
from them.

The only bad news is that Andrew X and Steven Lee
Jones (the creators of Niche Socializer) have almost
sold all of the spots for it. When they hit the magic
number, the doors WILL close, no exceptions.

I worked with Andrew and Steven to put together an
exclusive bonus package for Niche Socializer, and I
have only a handful of those packages left. This video
has all the details about the software and my bonus:

When my bonus packages are gone, I'll take down the
video and you won't get another chance. I normally
don't email you so many times in one week, but I want
to make sure I convey the value of this program to you
before it disappears.

There's no time to lose. You have so much to gain by
checking out Niche Socializer, so take a few minutes
and check out the video while it's still up (it's
very brief).

All the best,

Michael Rasmussen
Forum Moderator

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