Friday, 8 May 2009

Watson, Endless Free PLR News

Hello again, Watson,

Here's hoping you are doing well in your online enterprises. And we
hope that this membership is very useful to you.


How to Best use the Articles

As I mentioned in the last email, there were some who complained
that they needed to put a link to the Endless Free PLR membership
in the articles that they use.

I'll deal with that in the next newsletter. However, there is
something that is even more important.

A comment was made that the content was not that great in the

In this newsletter, I will attempt to not only show that this is
not a big concern, but it is actually an advantage.

First, it should be said again: These articles should not be used
on a website that is linked with your identity.

You are not going to want to claim that you wrote these articles.
Or, even that they represent great writing.

Now, stay with me ....

The bottom line with free content is that you need to give a little
information and then create the desire for more information.

You see this every night on the evening news - more at 10 PM!

If you give people the entire content that they wish on your
website, they will read it and then shut that window.

Some of the most successful websites out there are ones that you
would turn up your nose at. Why? Because they give enough
information for people to read a bit and then provide links to more

That information can either be on a page that you get paid to send
traffic to or available when people sign up for your newsletter.

Either way, you are giving people a glimpse of what they can get
and then pointing them to the exact place you want them to go to
get that information.

With that being said, you need to know where... and how...

... to use all of the articles in the membership.


The easist thing to do is to put up a page on a successful 3.0
site. Squidoo, Tumblr, Wikispaces and Hubpages are good examples.
Use the article as the main content. Add whatever you want to make
it attractive.

Sign in with a pseudonym. (Use a different one for each subject.)

Some of the article submission sites would also be acceptible.
Avoid Ezinearticles as they are very picky and can ban your account
if they think you are using articles that you did not write
yourself from scratch.


The thing that most people don't realize is that you can use any
article in the membership to promote your current campaign.

For instance, you might have a website on cat accessories or some
other cat related site.

You could use the articles in the gold jewelry section and include
a link something like this: "My neighbor Sarah accessorizes to
match her cat. The gold jewelry that she wears matches the style of
the gold on her cat's collar."

Then hyperlink 'accessorizes' and/or 'gold jewelry' to your money

With a little imagination, you can use every article in the
membership this way.

Every incoming link made like this will be a portal for incoming
traffic directly and through the search engines. If you put up a
couple of these a day, you will soon see a definite change in the
amount of traffic you are getting.

Next time: Why adding a link to Endless Free PLR Articles will not
hurt you a bit.

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