Saturday, 18 April 2009

Five, Six and Seven-Figure Online Sales -- for Regular People like you, Nji

Hello Nji,

If you've been around internet marketing at all for the last
four years, you've heard the term "product launch."

A product launch is the opposite of how most people start
selling their products online (or other people's products as
an affiliate).

Most people use the "Hope and Pray Formula." That means...

* Most people just put up a website and HOPE for sales.
* Most people assume and PRAY that the rest of the world
wants what they've got to sell, and will buy it the moment
they see it. (...just this once!)
* Most people have heard of those OTHER PEOPLE who have made
real money online, think they're just LUCKY, and hope that
they can get lucky, too.

So unfortunately, most people NEVER find the success they're
hoping and praying for.


On the other hand, there's the 'Product Launch Formula".
It's different than the Hope and Pray formula because...well

* It worked for Neil Stafford, whose niche is teaching
parents how to teach their kids to play soccer better. His
launch did almost $10,000.00 selling a low-priced
instructional DVD.

* It worked for Chuck Smith, who did a product launch for a
low-priced product in the "quilting" niche (yes, QUILTING!).
Chuck earned about $3000.00, and then he followed that up
almost immediately with another $4,000.00 launch.

* It worked for Kyle Battis, who did a launch of a $10 per
month membership site in the "personal fitness" niche. The
launch generated a continuity income of $15,000.00 per
MONTH. (That's $180,000 a year.)

(And I won't even go into the story about the guy who went
from Food Stamps to a six figure business using PLF...but
you will find info about ALL of these case studies here:


The Product Launch Formula has worked for THOUSANDS of NEW
internet marketers looking to start and run their own online
business, either as an AFFILIATE, or as a product owner.

THE PROBLEM is that the Product Launch Formula system has
only been available in limited release. The last time it was
available, all 500 systems were gone in just one day. The
time before that, 1,000 copies of the system were gone in
just 34 hours...and that was over a year ago.

These opportunities are RARE!

PLF is seldom available to new members, but it is available
today, starting at 2pm EDT. (and probably GONE by early

Hundreds or thousands of people are left unsatisfied after
the doors close, knowing that they missed out on a huge
opportunity to become successful online.

If you're spending your days trying to figure out how to
make a living -- or even get rich -- online, then GO HERE

To Your Success,

--Mark Widawer


P.S. I believe SO STRONGLY in the Product Launch Formula
(yes, I've used it since version 1!) that I want to motivate
you even further.

If you order Product Launch Formula through the links in
this email, I will give you a FREE membership to my new
ebook-creation system. Now...why would you care about that?

You care because my new system creates LAUNCH-OPTIMIZED

That means that the books (and webinars and teleseminars)
you produce using my system will result in products that are
ready to be launched. They've got the MARKETING BUILT IN.
(This is VERY different than a 'regular' ebook.)

So, if you've been thinking about creating a new product to
sell online, and want to make FIVE FIGURES, SIX FIGURES or
MORE, then get PLF2 and get my product creation system. It's
a $980 value, but yours free when you get PLF2 today.

Oh, and I'll also give you a free membership to my $700
"Stupid Easy Traffic" course, too, so you'll continue to get
traffic -- and make sales -- long after your launch is over.


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