Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Birthday Bash Killer Teleseminars this week


To celebrate my 40th birthday (which is Friday), I'm
doing a FREE series of state-of-the-art teleseminars
on a spectrum of cool marketing topics.

Register here:


This is actionable information which will immediately
impact your Google campaigns, your marketing
strategies and your current sales. If you listen to these
teleseminars and act on them, your sales and your
profits will grow.

NOTICE: All these teleseminars will be recorded but
the MP3's will ONLY be available to buyers of my
super-discount $499 Birthday "Gold Package."
Those buyers will receive all of them. (This package
is a huge bargain BTW and will disappear April 11
never to reappear at this price, ever.)

Other than that, you will need to be on the calls live.
***Do NOT email my office and ask for the MP3's.
You will receive a polite decline. Only Birthday Gold
and Platinum buyers and Roundtable members will
get them.***

Here are the dates and content of these live calls:

1. Wednesday at 11:30am CST - Terry Dean on the
basics of building an automated online sales machine.
Terry is one of the ORIGINAL online marketing gurus;
I was reading his email newsletter in 1998 in my Dilbert
Cube. His knowledge helped me escape the earth's
gravitational pull. It'll help you too.

2. Thursday at 11:30am CST - Stephen Juth, creator
of AdWord Accelerator, will do an advanced Keyword
Research clinic. 5 years ago keywords were a "sling
mud against the wall" proposition. If you use that
strategy today, your body will be found floating down
the sewage channel of the information superhighway.
Stephen sent me his outline last night and it's killer.

3. Thursday at 10pm CST - John Carlton, one of the
world's most revered and imitated copywriters does
a Late Night Pajama Jam, the first he's done with me
in nearly 5 years. He's going to take three sales letters
that were runaway success stories and rip them apart
in real time, explain the hooks, the offers and the
psychology. Veils will be lifted from your eyes.

4. Friday at 8am CST - John Paul Mendocha, Dr.
Speedselling, will explore how sales people and Joint
Venture Entrepreneurs sabotage themselves and so
often walk away without the prize. Based on his 30
years of machine gun fire in the trenches, he'll explain
the counter-intuitive mindset that champions use to
torpedo the competition and secure the best deals.
You'll be mesmerized by his edgy stories.

5. Friday at 10am CST - Richard Stokes, president
of AdGooRoo.com, de-constructs Google's CTR
and Ad Rank formula - he believes he's finally
cracked the code on this, and with terabytes of
research data, he's surely the only guy in the world
who could even lay claim to such a statement. If you're
buying Google clicks you can't afford to miss this.

6. Friday at 11:30am CST - Marlon Sanders, one of
the ORIGINAL online marketing geniuses, on: 15
Years of Sense and Nonsense in online marketing.

This man has SEEN IT ALL. Every scam, every
delusion, as well as many hundreds of outrageously
successful businesses that he's seen from the inside
out. This is likely to be a non-stop 90 minute rant and
he's not going to care if your feelings get hurt. But he'll
pound some sense into everybody.

7. Friday at 4pm CST - Michael Cage is a senior
member of my inner sanctum. He and I were in the
same Mastermind Group under Dan Kennedy for 4
years and he's the smartest under-30 marketer I
know. Young whippersnapper and razor sharp.

He and I are going to talk about Web 2.0: Hype vs.
the Real Substance.

(Geez, if I only had a dollar for every book, website
and would-be "Social Media Expert" who is jumping
up and down and shouting "Get on Twitter! Get on
Facebook! Joint the Conversation. Just.... DO IT!!!!!!")

Most of that is pure sleaze and most of it will siphon
off your precious time. 99.7% of "Social Media Experts"
are frauds. Michael and I are going to give you the real
scoop on where all this is headed. We've got our fingers
on the pulse of this thing. Get on the call, take notes,
follow the advice, and 12 months from now, on April 10
2010 when I turn 41, see if our predictions haven't turned
out to be scary accurate.

Here's where you register:


Rock on,

Perry Marshall

For product questions / support visit

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